• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
    6 months ago

    Which was exactly what people said about transgender people as well.

    And seems like people are starting to take this seriously.

    "Racial dysphoria, also known as ethnic dysphoria, refers to a psychological condition characterized by a profound sense of disconnection from one’s own culture and a strong identification with a different culture, typically one that is distinct from the individual’s background.

    Gender and Race in an Age of Unsettled Identities: How the transgender experience opens up new possibilities for thinking about gender and race By Princton University Press


    Rebecca Tuvel, Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Rhodes College



    Hmmmm, I guess it’s not quite as “racist” as you believed.

    Curious about some of your words; I would like to know if you are implying that I am racist because I am transracial.

    • @Bernie_Sandals
      6 months ago

      Which was exactly what people said about transgender people as well.

      Are you imagining things?

      Hmmmm, I guess it’s not quite as “racist” as you believed.

      Oh wow, one professor wrote a book and now it’s not racist, I didn’t know that’s how the world worked. Thank you so much. /s

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        -76 months ago

        Are you imagining things?

        Oh, so you don’t remember when people hated transgender people, didn’t take it seriously, and actively tried to pretend it wasn’t a real thing?! How old are you?

        Oh wow, one professor wrote a book and now it’s not racist, I didn’t know that’s how the world worked.

        Other people did as well.

        Also, the “one professor” who wrote about it, bets her career on it, still surprised you, didn’t it…

        All travel begins with one first step. You know, there also one person who decided to take transgenderism seriously first too. I think these same conversations have gone exactly like this before.

        Which side of history do you wanna be on?

        So tell me again how’s it racist? And are you calling me racist? I’m not sure what you mean, so I just wanna clarify.