What outside wing thing? How to dinner time? How to exit tub (sphynx)? 4am zoomies land speed record? How to second dinner time? How to outside?

Post what you think your cat’s search history would be!

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    47 months ago

    It sounds like your cat would enjoy some sweater snuggles!!!

    Go put on a warm sweater, and hug your kitty!!!

    • Drunemeton
      47 months ago

      Bartholomew left, to return to his home planet, I assume. I didn’t find that search history until afterwards.

      As far as I can tell Cats are an alien species that are apparently from at much hotter planet.

      That tracks with: how much heat they generate, how they just zoom around the room at odd times (shedding excess body heat?), and why on warms days they still lay in direct sunlight.

      I hope he’s found happiness.