• @[email protected]
    624 days ago

    This isn’t Reddit. What does your decade old Reddit account have to do with lemmy?

    And there’s a difference between avid reader of lemmy posts than driving people to read your blog.

    If an article is paywalled, you can generally ask OP to post the content so that it can be read. And here’s the thing, the poster of news doesn’t have control about what is written in the news article. But you have control over the content on your blog.

    So why are you posting a link instead of the actual content? It’s because you’re shamelessly promoting your blog. It’s a different story if a third party ORGANICALLY finds your blog and finds it share worthy, but this isn’t that.

    • AvieshekOP
      24 days ago

      Nope, it’s because all the media attachments to codeblocks to links if not existing user questions are already build and formatted that would require a lot of effort to maintain and redo it with markdown on an app (Voyager) that’s not even native for questionable (low) number of users at most a hundred. Had this been paywalled or full of advertisements then sure it’s worth a complain but what pitchfork nonsense is this argument?

      • @[email protected]
        224 days ago

        The point is you should post content and not a link since you control the content. That’s it.

        • AvieshekOP
          24 days ago

          And I welcome you to do it, so you too get the point. That’s it.