• @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    I’ve only ever published in open access journals (partially because I’ve only got 3 papers out, but also out of preference) is it just prestige that makes people go with pay-to-view journals? or are there other factors?

    • @adenoid
      66 months ago

      In part it’s prestige, which for some might matter for promotion purposes, and at least personally I’m more like to cite journals for which I know I trust their judgement in peer review and submission acceptance. There are predatory publishers which abuse the open access concept to make money, and if I’m reviewing literature I don’t want to have to also research if a journal can be trusted (unless of course the publication I want to include is novel or especially worthwhile).

      Also, in many contexts open access requires payment by the authors; this may be fine if an author is in a large grant-funded lab or at an institution willing to fund the open access fee but for many of us non-research-track folks it’s kind of a deal breaker.

    • @mineralfellow
      46 months ago

      Depends strongly on the community. Every sub discipline has its own standards of respectability. Publishing outside of those constraints can cause articles to be ignored.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        that makes a lot of sense! I’m very grateful to be part of an academic community that seems to value open access, as well of part of a university that pays for access and submission to most of the journals I need to use