• @NateNate60
    6919 days ago

    What is the charge? For operating a messaging platform? A succulent private messaging platform?

    • @halcyoncmdr
      3719 days ago

      Allowing criminal activity to go unmoderated on the platform. Including but not limited to fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime and promotion of terrorism.

        • Altima NEO
          319 days ago

          Oh damn. He did? I just watched a video about him in modern times.

          • TWeaK
            219 days ago

            Yeah his death is why people have been talking about him over the last week or so.

      • @bonus_crab
        819 days ago

        true but if its truly end to end encrypted it cant be moderated.

        between this and mega its clear they want your files easy to reach and access, privacy and security be damned.

        the internet should be free for the same reason we have the 2nd amendment - its necessary for exposing and opposing tyranny.

        so kill telegram and watch criminal orgs and militant groups just spin up their own servers or use encrypted radio or just encrypt messages themselves to send through any other platform.

        its the cops and feds job to investigate these people, they didnt need a fucking all seeing AI to do it in the prior century and they dont now.

        i mean seriously what happened to sting operations? its so damn easy to catch predators n shit on discord, and these telegrams are easy enough to join. do actual detective work smfh .

        • @mke
          1318 days ago

          if its truly end to end encrypted

          Telegram chats aren’t end-to-end encrypted by default, and group messages cannot be encrypted. Just saying.

        • @claudiop
          719 days ago

          Just because it is most of the time bullshit, it doesn’t mean that is not a thing ever. The “think of the children” doesn’t imply that legit application of child-protection laws are not a thing.

          Telegram is for example known for Russian military bloggers, which are, in fact, promoting terrorism.

        • Skull giver
          19 days ago

          During the whole ISIL thing, Telegram was a prominent way to radicalise and recruit new terrorists, at least here in Europe. Islamist extremists still often use Telegram these days.

        • @halcyoncmdr
          119 days ago

          Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Even as a general user I’ve come across illegal shit on Telegram, so they clearly aren’t even attempting to moderate. It would be absolutely zero surprise that obvious terrorist organizations like ISIL would be using the platform for some communication and recruiting. And that doesn’t even get into subjective shit like Russian aggression and attacks on civilians in Ukraine, which many would consider terrorist attacks.

          • @deafboy
            118 days ago

            The usefulnes of a system is often measured by the amount of illegal shit it can handle. Nobody would really use a stick or a fire if it required a law enforcement officer standing behind you the whole time.

            On the other hand, Telegram was always intentionally not secure, nor private. So it’s not that thay can’t comply. They just decided not to (as far as we know).

            - - tinfoil hat on - -

            This is not really about moderation. The europeans just want to evasdrop on the russians.

            - - tinfoil hat off - -

      • @NateNate60
        419 days ago

        I hope you realise that the comment you replied to is really just a reference to the Succulent Chinese Meal video.