Some of their complain is really unhinged.

  • Annoyed_🦀 OP
    66 months ago

    I think if the city council and government stick to this plan and not reverting it, people will sooner or later adapt to it as they grow. Or at least majority of people will. Kinda like when the city decided to change the road and people will whine initially, then sooner or later they will stop. For bike path, people will eventually see how not having to overtake a bicycle do make their commute smoother, and people who join bike commuter will take off car from the road. It does take time for those bitchy attitude to drop though.

    • @jpreston2005
      16 months ago

      Exactly. The main reason behind so many U.S. states not taking advantage of the medicaid expansion was simply “People will like it, and once they get used to it, they won’t want to go back.” People growing up with safe cycling… will continue to want it. Easier to nip it in the bud before people realize that bicycling is healthy, fun and a great replacement for short car trips!