Just about every common food option for thanksgiving is mediocre. Turkey is dry and flavorless unless you drench it in salt. Cranberry sauce is awful. Not only does dressing (stuffing) look unappealing it also tastes just as bad. And pumpkin pie could be better. Casserole and mash potatoes are alright but nothing to just fond over. The only good meal is mac and cheese and that ONLY depends on who’s cooking it. The 4th of July is the superior holiday in terms of food.

  • @RBWells
    17 months ago

    I’m with you on green bean casserole, dislike. Cranberry sauce I make from fresh cranberries then don’t eat it. Not because I don’t like it, I just think it would be better as a dessert. Love mashed potatoes but the Thanksgiving ones are always some make ahead and reheat version. I think that’s the real issue with Thanksgiving food in general, you just can’t make that much all at once so the quality suffers. Chili would be better, or gumbo, something like that that benefits from being reheated. I do love the stuffing at Thanksgiving, and the gravy.

    Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday in one way - we do an All Comers version and end up with so many people here, it’s chaotic and loud and boisterous and we always have a cocktail hour so nobody cares as much about the food. And we have some vegans and pro chefs so get some good and interesting dishes always. It’s a lot of work for me but so much fun.

    But the actual food? Christmas is better, Easter is better, and yes any of those grill outside holidays also better. Even Halloween can be better, creative and interesting. Thanksgiving is quantity more than quality.