For example, for me, I would *love* a new Populous game based from what was done in Populous 3. That, and a new SimCity based on SimCity 4!

  • @xantoxis
    720 days ago

    Far Cry. Both FC3 and FC4 were great, and then they never made another one after that.

    • SSTF
      20 days ago

      Honestly 5 had a lot going for it. It removed radio tower puzzles. It way cleaned up on absurd collectaton mechanics of 4, which had gone way too overboard. The survialist bunkers were a neat mechanic to replace a lot of collectaton stuff. I actually enjoyed the side games like the fishing. The gunplay and the customization was iterated on and improved. The editor where you could make your own missions and post them online was really cool (I made a lot of super complicated stealth missions).

      The vibe of the game was pretty good, and the villains were engaging enough. It’s really just the main plot that falls to pieces and only at the very end does it become impossible to ignore how dumb it is.

      I think that in mechanical design, 5 is a straight improvement on 3 and 4.

      • @xantoxis
        420 days ago

        I agree with all of this, but the ending made me so mad I stopped playing them.

        • @[email protected]
          220 days ago

          I liked the ending of FC5, and think that it lead rather well into the subsequent New Dawn expansion pack.

          On the other hand, while I also loved FC3 - I couldn’t get into FC4 at all…

          I guess we can conclude that Far Cry is just a very strange series that seems to alienate its fans just about as often as it attracts them!

    • Grey Cat
      20 days ago

      wdym there is FC5 and FC6