• @kescusay
    217 months ago

    I actually vehemently disagree, here. Remember in 2020 when Biden said, “Will you shut up, man?” It utterly destroyed Trump in one sentence, because it simultaneously revealed him to be a petulant idiot and forced him to actually shut up or prove Biden right about him. Biden won that debate in that moment, without question.

    I think Harris sees opportunity in letting Trump be as thoroughly Trump-ish as he wants to be, but with a prosecutor on stage his only audience, rather than a crowd of sycophants.

    Trump’s schtick only works when left unchallenged.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      47 months ago

      I actually vehemently disagree, here. Remember in 2020 when Biden said, “Will you shut up, man?” It utterly destroyed Trump in one sentence, because it simultaneously revealed him to be a petulant idiot and forced him to actually shut up or prove Biden right about him. Biden won that debate in that moment, without question.

      I agree here, but on the flip side, Biden lost the most recent debate about two minutes into it with the “…we, uh,…we finally beat medicare!” line. And that was before all the other times Biden stood there looking like a limp, senile old man. Harris making a similar gaffe could be fatal, and if she’s unprepared to handle Trump when he’s unhinged and uncontrollable, he could cause her to stumble into a gaffe of her own.

      I think Harris sees opportunity in letting Trump be as thoroughly Trump-ish as he wants to be, but with a prosecutor on stage his only audience, rather than a crowd of sycophants.

      Of course. This is exactly what they’re seeing. I’m just not as convinced that she could handle it when he does. And make no mistake: I hope I’m wrong. I’m just concerned over what happens if I’m not.

      Trump’s schtick only works when left unchallenged.

      And giving him an open mic is a great way to do that. He cannot be controlled by moderators and there is no other way to get him to shut the fuck up if he decides that just shouting Harris into submission is going to be his strategy. The only thing Trump has done so far to Harris’s rise is to launch personal and racist attacks. Do you for one second think Trump is going to give either Harris or the moderators he’s also already attacking the respect to stick to the norms of a presidential debate? I wouldn’t be putting my money on that. I fully expect Trump to try taking over the entire thing and all but telling the moderators to go fuck themselves if they even attempt to keep him on track (Spoiler alert: They wont, because unhinged Trump = ratings).

      Look at how he treated the women at the NABJ interview. And one of those 3 is a Fox News Trump syncophant. And she still got shit on by Trump. You think he’s going to give Harris any more respect?