US senator Elizabeth Warren dismisses JD Vance’s pledge that Trump would veto a nationwide ban if he were elected

  • @cowfodder
    22 days ago

    And before someone jumps in with the tired ass " Obama had all three and didn’t codify Roe v Wade" argument, he was blocked by the more conservative members of his own party. Dems need not only a super majority, they need a super majority that can’t be hampered by a couple of holdouts.

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      Or they could kill the filibuster which only takes a simple majority. Where were the cries from liberals to primary the pro life Dems that wouldn’t back the Freedom of Choice act? They were nowhere to be seen.

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        821 days ago

        Manchin, Sinema, and every member of the GOP specifically blocked a carve out for abortion and voting rights legislation regarding the fillibuster. You can’t primary Manchin from the left, you won’t win. Sinema never planned on continuing her Senate career. She just wanted to cash out. Neither are going to be running as Democrats anytime soon.