• @GustavoM
    9118 days ago

    “I’m kissing convenience goodbye, I just want control."

    He is in for a surprise when he realizes GNU/Linux is much more convenient than Winblows.

      • Cosmonaut_Collin
        4318 days ago

        I don’t think it’s really much different. What makes windows feel more convenient is that everyone generally learns how to use it first. I think if you took a person that is not familiar with either, they would be able to figure out both OS at around the same time.

        • @[email protected]
          1518 days ago

          it really just depends on what hardware you are on. For example my Dell pribter was plug and play on windows . It took me 6 hours to get it to work on Linux.

          • @[email protected]
            1118 days ago

            This. In my recent experience on one laptop. Arch (Endevour OS btw) installed fine.

            But LMDE would not boot. I got a system disk missing error every time after install. So much playing with EUFI settings in BIOS, boot back to live disl, multiple re installs, GRUB repair, remake the ISO (ISO was fine, installed on another PC with no issues). Gave up. Just could not boot to the OS.

            Install normal mint. No issues.

            And past the install? Bluetooth dongle works fine on arch, but so many issues on mint.

            WiFi dongle A works on arch, but not mint. WiFI dongle B dosenr work on arch but does work on mint. Took me a while to work thst one out.

            Headphpnes have some weird echo back to me when mic is on. Use pipewire config from archwiki. Worked, but reduced qualoty. Tried a few other configs. Didn’t work. Must have broke something coz now the original config dosnt work. So will just deal with echo.

            0 of these issues on windows. And 0 likely your regular user can easily swap to Linux.

            Will stay on arch tho. Fuck spez windows.

            • @daggermoon
              218 days ago

              Maybe it’s just me, I always had issues with Ubuntu and Debian based distros that I didn’t have with Arch based distros. Why do people say Arch is harder? That was never my experience. I’ve been using endeavorOS and it’s been pretty great.

              • @[email protected]
                618 days ago

                Arch does tend to keep packages as close to upstream as possible, which can be both a good and bad thing. Sway not binding to graphical-session.target by default is a little strange for example. Other distros also save a first-time user a great deal of configuration for things they probably don’t care about as well. Going through Fedora’s install and finding out that disk encryption and SELinux were configured OOTB was very nice to see personally. On the other hand Arch’s installation (w/o archinstall) has you choosing a bootloader, audio server, display manager, etc. Nothing arduous and I like it, but definitely not for everyone

                This is all eliminated by spinoffs of course, but even there users have the option to run random scripts/AUR packages without vetting them. Also doesn’t help that the most popular Arch-based distro for a while (Manjaro) was pretty flaky and generally incompatible with the AUR (despite saying otherwise), leading to many people saying “that’s just Arch” and swearing off the parent project as well

                • @daggermoon
                  318 days ago

                  I used Manjaro for about a year and I never will again. Things just seemed to break seemingly without explanation. I switched to endeavourOS and have been using it for over 2 years. I haven’t had any where near the number of issues with eos as I did with Manjaro. It just seems so much more stable. Maybe it’s just me or my hardware configuration or something.

              • @[email protected]
                318 days ago

                For me it’s the wiki. Arch just explaining so simply. Searching an issue for LMDE just lead to forums. And the Debian or Ubuntu wikis don’t seem as good as arch.

                Plus must searches for <other distro> issue seem to lead to forums and random “run this code”. All arch searches led back to the Wiki. All hail the wiki.

                But srsly. I feel like I’m LEARNING Linux with arch. Rather than just running fixes for the other distros.

              • @[email protected]
                318 days ago

                It really comes down to if you are trying to use newer hardware or not. Debian based systems usually run fine out of the box on older systems.

                For newer hardware your going to want new drivers and kernel versions which you get with a rolling release distro.

            • Cosmonaut_Collin
              118 days ago

              I just installed endeavor an hour ago. I switched from kubuntu. I love the style of the is and arch programs seem to work better out of the box compared to Debian.

          • JustEnoughDucks
            18 days ago

            True, meanwhile my HP printer had a hell of a time trying to work on windows much less finding an actual downlosd for the scanner tool on HP’s websitr for a printer ovrr 5 years old and on Linux I typed yay HP, 1, then I was ready to print and scan.

            Plus KDE discover is the convenience if the Microsoft store was actually good.

            Settings are ACTUALLY in setting instead of being split between settings, control panel, individual tool auto diagnoses, powershell, and registry edits.

            KDEconnect works seamlessly and I can also locate my phone if I lost it in the house.

            • @[email protected]
              117 days ago

              Yep, it really just comes down to complete luck that there are drivers in the kernel for your hardware. As another example, my Lenovo Legion sucks at running Linux out of the box. The webcam is terrible, it never suspends correctly, outputting to a monitor is incredibly painful. Meanwhile my wife’s thinkpad runs popos perfectly. Even the touchscreen works.

          • @[email protected]
            217 days ago

            I had a printer I could not in my life make work on a Windows PC (2017). Then I tried my Ubuntu laptop, no drivers installed, just worked.

            Fuck Windows.

      • @JustAnotherKay
        1718 days ago

        Assuming you don’t need a windows only application for your workflow (admittedly this isn’t very common), it’s really just a matter of getting used to it. There’s plenty of easy to use distros out there, such as Linux “I’m not buying my grandma a new computer” Mint.

      • Communist
        018 days ago

        If you go immutable then I really don’t think it is unless you need niche software

      • @GustavoM
        518 days ago

        Everything is complicated if you aren’t willing to commit/learn.

        • @Threeme2189
          1018 days ago

          If you learn how to do a complicated thing, it’s still complicated.

    • PHLAK
      717 days ago

      I’d argue this is a wash. Linux is more convenient in many ways but Windows is in others.

      • @exanime
        317 days ago

        Precisely… which means switching to Linux is not inherently less convenient than windows