• @netvor
    921 days ago

    You don’t know that houses can’t move. Absence of a proof does not imply impossibility.

    Sounds ridiculous (esp. for windows / houses) but I think it actually shows where Occam’s Razor comes to the rescue: When deciding what to believe, you should consider how many assumptions either model of the world would have to include in order to explain your observations.

    Turns you don’t need to look for indisputable mathematically rigorous proofs, you just need to find the best model.

    • @Wogi
      421 days ago

      All houses can move, if enough wind is blowing

      Therefore it is wind that makes cars go.

      • @Buddahriffic
        221 days ago

        Sometimes houses move because of wind, sometimes they move because of earth quakes. There’s gotta be a common element, x, between wind and earth quakes that this can be reduced to, so that we can say “cars and houses move because of x”.

        • @Etterra
          221 days ago

          Sometimes houses move because they’ve been loaded onto or built as a part of a vehicle.