The attack in Solingen is just the latest example of a new wave of violence linked to the Islamic State terrorist group. Experts say the war in the Middle East is the main catalyst.

The terrorist militia Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility for the knife attack in Solingen. According to Amak, the mouthpiece of IS, the attack was carried out in “revenge for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere” and targeted a “group of Christians.”

  • @idiomaddict
    86 months ago

    Well, Herr Sellner, perhaps your perspective is slanted. Somehow people still make their opinions heard.

    • @[email protected]
      -146 months ago

      Maybe you should get out some time

      Let’s focus on data primarily available from Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and other official sources.

      1. Homicides and Attempted Homicides by Immigrants

        2016: According to BKA data, immigrants were suspects in 285 cases of homicide or attempted homicide. This was during a peak year for refugee arrivals. 2017: Immigrants were suspects in 298 cases of homicide or attempted homicide. 2018: The number dropped to 230 cases. 2019: There were 256 cases where immigrants were suspects. 2020: The number was approximately 220 cases.

      2. Sexual Offenses

        2016: Immigrants were suspects in approximately 3,400 cases of sexual offenses. 2017: This number increased to around 3,600 cases. 2018: The number remained relatively stable, with about 3,400 cases reported. 2019: There were 3,500 cases. 2020: Around 3,000 cases involved immigrant suspects.

      • @[email protected]
        136 months ago

        I’mma be honest, I didn’t dig statistics for Germany, but I live in Russia where the same migrant hysteria is rampant rn, and saw some numbers from there.

        On average, immigrants in Russia commit less crimes per person than native population. The areas in which there are objectively more crimes are migration laws (obviously) and sexual offences. Numbers in other categories are higher by native Russians. And mind you, our migrants come from underdeveloped primarily Muslim countries, too.

        With that said, do you have data on the share of crimes committed by native German population and immigrants? Pure numbers mean little without context.

      • atro_city
        96 months ago

        Cites sources, doesn’t link them.

        Also, does being a suspect mean they are guilty? All somebody has to do is scream rape, point and a non-white, and they are guilty of rape?

      • @[email protected]
        76 months ago

        I am not sure what you are trying to tell with these numbers except to stir some hatred.

        To make any sort of sense from these numbers, you have a) to define what an immigrant is (hint, the BKA definition is very loose) and b) compare them to the overall cases of the listed offenses.

        • @cheese_greater
          6 months ago

          make any sense of these numbers

          A. Immigrants were responsible for some murders and rapes and other crimes

          B. They had to be present in the country to commit these proximal acts

          C. Had they not been present, the murders, rapes, and other crimes perpetrated would not have been committed by them in the country

          D. There would have been less crime and the immigration system would not have caused harm to the actual domestic population.

          The crime rates of citizens vs immigrants is informative in terms of helping determine policy adjustments in terms of country of origin and specific cultural concerns but it doesn’t change the fact that the immigration system is doing harm to the domestic population which it should rightfully otherwise protect and benefit and be sustainable in the service of all it does.

          Nobody owes a violent, unstable refugee or criminal migrant (legal/economic, illegal etc) a fox in the henhouse situation. Doesn’t matter what they’ve been thru, it seems like there’s not even an in the alternative where they are mitigated and supervised until they can demonstrate they belong or removed before they can take root by causing harm.

          Edit: by the way this can actually lead to citizens committing crimes of desperation because they can’t find housing or employment or any other necessary. We don’t have infinite resources but there is infinite profit potential for those encouraging this mandate.

          Housing profits/crisis 🚀 Lower wages/wage growth suppression 🚀 Private healthcare system 🚀

          • @[email protected]
            76 months ago

            So you want to assign every immigrant a babysitter till they have been evaluated to be no risk?

            While we are at it, might just as well give EVERYONE a government sponsored supervisor to be sure, because I’ve heard even some of those people already here rape, murder or commit other crimes. All in the name of the security of our state. I guess we should form some sort of ministry to supervise this effort. I guess Ministry for State Security might be fitting.

            Do you even realize how contemptuous your idea is? I don’t know anything about you, but I guess to be sure you won’t kill me should you ever visit my city/county/state/planet, I will put you in a cage and point a camera at you.

            I hope you keep your idea in mind should you plan to take your next vacation anywhere but your own apartment.

            • @cheese_greater
              -46 months ago

              Would you allow any random person who showed up at your doorstep a live-in gig as a nanny without doing some due dilligence? What does high-trust/low-trust mean to you?

              • @[email protected]
                86 months ago

                Hell no, and I don’t care if that person is black, white, blue, has an American, French or Iraqi passport.

                But you are trying to build a strawman here, because babysitting is not the same as granting people shelter from hardships.

                And to loop back to your previous statements regarding the number of crimes committed by immigrants: Am I statistically more likely to get murdered by an immigrant or by a fellow country man? You might have to reconsider your approach towards high/low threat environments in your everyday life.

                • @cheese_greater
                  6 months ago

                  Does the aspiration of granting refuge to people facing hardship take precedence over the actual moral and societal imperative to ensure the safety for those you are already responsible for?

                  There are many people who are facing hardship who we refuse to shelter already and they were always here. And by taking in more people from the outside while refusing existing inside hardship-facers shelter and safety, what is this really accomplishing?

                  Is that right or fair or even practical?

                  • @[email protected]
                    56 months ago

                    I guess I might as well argue with a stone instead of an American about universal moral values but here goes nothing:

                    Wait, did I just judge a person by their membership of a group they got randomly assigned at birth which says nothing about their character?


                    The suffering of one person is not justification to inflict the same on others. Secondly why are you refusing to help people through hardship in the first place.

                    Let me ask you in return: Why are neither deserving of your help?

      • Iapar
        66 months ago

        Those numbers mean nothing when there is no number to compare it to.

        So what are the numbers for Germans?

      • @idiomaddict
        6 months ago

        Immigrants are over 15% of the population, of course they commit crimes. 8% of rapes are reported, wanna bet whether they’re more frequently reported when they’re committed by immigrants?