• @[email protected]
    277 months ago

    Game of thrones was not mentioned in a single comment (at the time of writing this comment).

    I guess it wasn’t soo bad on an objective scale but just fully killed the relevance of the show.

    • @[email protected]
      127 months ago

      Legit I’ve never had a desire to rewatch any of it since the ending.

      I remember seeing leaks being posted on freefolk and thinking no fucking way these are real, realising they were, and then shitting on the rest of the last season with my partner, only way we got through it.

    • @GraniteM
      107 months ago

      I use Game of Thrones as a textbook example of how to write a show with a diverse set of characters, locations, and motivations (in the early seasons all those moving pieces fit together remarkably well), and also how not to do that, with all the plots going to pieces and the characters and their motivations falling apart in the last couple seasons.

      It’s pretty amazing how strong the show starts and how hard it screws the pooch by the end.

      • @nickiwest
        107 months ago

        As long as they had source material to follow, the showrunners did okay. When they passed the end of the latest book, it all went to hell.

    • @MrPoopbutt
      107 months ago

      I’m not sure how you could capture the cultural significance of the show in this type of graph.

    • @Olhonestjim
      66 months ago

      I don’t know what y’all are talking about about. GoT ended after season 5. It’s a shame they never finished it.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      I find it weird how a lot of people always talk about the ending of game of thrones was bad, bit season 7 was just as bad or worse. Season 6 was pretty bad as well, all it had going was basically: man i wonder what the next season is like. I don’t even think the ending is too bad, it’s just implemented horribly. They just needed to end it as quickly as possible. Season 7 was pretty much the low point for me. It became like a twitter show. Oh people like that character, he’s not gonna fie and gets more screen time. Or i don’t remember what season it was, but i remember watching it and thinking: why are they focusing the camera so much on this random ginger soldier. I only figured out way later that he’s a singer who had a cameo in the show. The show had so many flaws that people (me too) just overlooked because i was just interested in where it’s going and i haven’t read the books at this point. But when season 8 came around people just realised that it’s in fact not going anywhere.

      • pachrist
        46 months ago

        One of the things that Game of Thrones did well early was always ensure the payoff was worth it. If you didn’t like an episode here or there, it was fine because it advanced the plot enough that you still followed the breadcrumbs and another episode down the line made it worth it.

        Season 8 was so bad because many people tolerated elements of seasons 5, 6, and 7 because they were hoping for payoff. When that payoff was underwhelming at best and utterly nonsensical at worst, people tuned out fast. People spent hundreds of hours over a decade watching the show and discussing it with their friends, and in the end, it wasn’t worth it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something disappear so completely and quickly from the cultural zeitgeist.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        I was going to argue that while season 7 was bad, it wasn’t as bad as season 8. But then, I remembered how shit the Beyond the Wall episode was.

        1. They come up with the stupidest fucking idea of catching a wight. Jon Snow saw them at Hardhome. It was an insane number of dead people. How the fuck do they think they are going to trap something that is dead?
        2. Why the fuck are wights doing squad patrols throughout north of the wall? They’re fucking dead. They don’t need rest, food, or water. Just scatter wights throughout the area as lookouts.
        3. Why in the ever loving fuck are they sending the most important characters to go on a suicide mission?? I’m not even going to elaborate on that.
        4. We saw the entire party leave the Wall and walk around searching for wights. When they get to that little island and start fighting them, all of a sudden, there are all these unnamed characters showing up just to die. Where the fuck did they come from‽
        5. They send a kid that grew up entirely in King’s Landing on an unarmed marathon to get help. The kid, malnourished, dehydrated af, and alone, covers a distance that took them days to travel. Once there, they send a raven to cover half the distance of the entire island to get Danerys to fly to find them. Except Danerys has never been north of the Wall. How the fuck does she know where she is going??

        I gotta stop. This is just too stupid.