• Wild BillM
    1821 days ago

    The turnout:

    What do we head-canon Everett as; a Republican, Democrat, or Progressive?

    • @RolandoOP
      2021 days ago

      Things to consider:

      • The parties were very different than they are today. This was before the Republican Southern Strategy of appealing to racism
      • In fact, in the election map above, the South was won by the Democratic candidate; the Republican candidate won the North and the election
      • Condo (the creator of the strip) was born in Illinois and later worked in Ohio
    • @[email protected]
      1221 days ago

      Everett’s opinions align well with the Progressives of the early 20th century. Both Republicans and Democrats had progressives amongst themselves at that time, so I bet his vote varied based on the candidates rather than being hardstuck one party.

    • verity_kindle
      219 days ago

      Started his own party, called it Bald Moose, Roosevelt sued for copyright infringement, Everett ignored it.