• @niktemadur
    55 months ago

    Damn, talk about lazily arrogant writers. They must know they’re going to piss off the fanbase, “I’ve got a new take on Tolkien that’s BETTER than Tolkien!” and this is what happens when the corporate suits who greenlight this sort of misguided “hot politically correct take” don’t care ANYTHING about Middle Earth, all they see are mirages of $$$ and the fidgety anxiety of budgets and deadlines.

    For a hot minute there, I thought this current generation of writers and directors who were given this new format of high-budget 8-12 episode series, were going to make the best use of this golden opportunity.
    Instead we get crap like Goyer inserting his brain farts and artificialities all over “Foundation” until the spirit of Isaac Asimov is no longer felt on the screen, at all.