I’ve got 1000/50 service from a mid-size ISP. It’s pretty consistent- any time I run a speed test from home, it will hit those numbers. I have an opnsense plugin checking twice a day.

Performance from my self-hosted services to the internet, however, is very inconsistent. Sometimes I get the full 50, sometimes it will only hit 5 Mbit/s.

Is it possible a VPS proxy could provide less congested routes? Is there a better way to troubleshoot the bottleneck? When i notice a slowdown, usually watching a clip on frigate, I’ll use a public speedtest to check my field connection. If it’s over 50 down, I’ll check librespeed on my server. If frigate or plex is fast, librespeed will be too. If I’ve noticed a problem, librespeed has always agreed.

My host machine is a 5700g w/ 64 gigs of ram, X520 nic to an S33 modem, so I don’t think it’s a hardware bottleneck.

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    I’m in the same boat as you. I have 1000/40 and my upload speed is the only reason I have a VPS.

    • @lemming741OP
      22 years ago

      Do you host everything on the vps, or proxy from it?