Thinking of getting the P1S, but obviously the screen isn’t the best. Has anybody found it to be bad/good? Also, can it be upgraded at all through third party touch screens?

  • Twotone
    16 days ago

    ** edit** And I just realized how old this post was. Geeze this place is dead :(

    Just recently got the P1S. You’re right about the screen not being the greatest, but personally, I’ve hardly really had to interact with it as I mainly use the android app or Bambu Studio to do all all my adjustments/jobs anyway.

    There are mods to add an additional screen to the P1S that’ll get ya close to the X1C’s level of functionality, but as far as benefit/usefulness in my opinion; not worth the effort involved other than to just /do something/ for the sake of doing it. (Which I may end up doing anyway, because I like to tinker with things :p ) .

    The xtouch project comes to mind: