• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      -86 months ago

      Wow, a whole 17 upvotes. You must be so proud.

      And over 100 comments! So I guess you were wrong, huh? Some people DO care. :)

      You think a few snide remarks will silence us? It’s clear that people do care, no matter how much you try to dismiss us.

      I’m damn proud to stand up against the negativity you’re trying to spread. You and others like you want to sow discontent, to bully and belittle those of us who refuse to fall in line with your chosen candidate.

      But here’s the truth: we’re not backing down. We’re rising up against the duopoly that’s kept us chained, against those who would have us believe that our voices don’t matter because they don’t echo yours.

      This is just the beginning. There will be more posts, more voices speaking out against the broken system you defend. And yes, more candidates will emerge, whether you like it or not. We have every right to our opinions, to our votes, just as much as you do.

      So go ahead, keep being negative, keep throwing out your snide remarks like “Who cares about…”

      We’re still here. And we’re not going anywhere. Your words haven’t stopped us, haven’t even slowed us down. This is just the start, and we’re only getting louder.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -96 months ago

          Wow, so brave.

          You mean as compared to you saying, “who cares about a spoiler candidate?” And then finding out that there over a 100 comments on the article?

          Yeah, definitely braver than that. :)

          • @FiremanEdsRevenge
            6 months ago

            I’m sure. 4 days later and you’re still griping about something as trivial and meaningless as comment counts and a comment that definitely hurt your feelings. Talk about weird.

            Edit: 5 days later*

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              -96 months ago

              4 days later and you’re still griping about something as trivial and meaningless as comment counts and a comment that definitely hurt your feelings. Talk about weird.

              Nah. Actually someone else commented in this thread and I got an alert. As I was reading it, I noticed your old one and thought it would be fun to update you. Especially since your comment was meant to be smarmy and belittling.

              So seeing just how wrong you were has been fun!