“Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower 1945

The image is a black and white photo of a large pile of human skulls and bones in front of a barbed-wire fence.

  • Allah
    -5916 days ago

    Watch some dumbfuck compare this to Palestine

    • @pjwestin
      5216 days ago

      Yeah, I mean, it’s not like the Palestinians are having their homes and property systematically seized, or being forced into ghettos with brutal conditions akin to living in an open air prison, or being sent to torture camps, or being exterminating en masse. I mean, you’d have to be a real dumbfuck to think all of those things were happening right now.

      • Allah
        -5015 days ago

        that’s what happens when hamas uses human shields which they do and the one responsible for their deaths is solely hamas? is that too hard to understand?

        • @pjwestin
          2515 days ago

          OK, so let’s pretend that Hamas using human sheilds necessitates the killing of (at least, but probably more than) 40,000 people. I think that in most conflicts, when innocent hostages are. taken, the normal response isn’t to indiscriminately kill the hostages, but let’s ignore that for now.

          How does that Hamas using human shields make it necessary for Palestinians in Gaza to live without clean drinking water for a decade before October 7th? How do human shields make it necessary to torture (tortures which include beating, rape, and the use of restraints so tight they havd led to amputations) Palestinians in prison camps? How does it justify Israeli settlers seizing homes in the West Bank, a territory that isn’t even controlled by Hamas? Because it doesn’t really seem like, “Hamas is hiding among civilians, so it’s hard to target them without hitting civilian targets,” can possibly justify any of those things.

            • @pjwestin
              2315 days ago

              Yes. You hid from literally every other point I made, and you were still spectacularly wrong, you sniveling coward.

              • @[email protected]
                1215 days ago

                Don’t waste your time with these troll propagandists, their entire income depends upon them not agreeing with you

              • Allah
                -1715 days ago

                are we in oct 2023?

                • @pjwestin
                  1915 days ago

                  Prior to the latest violence, Gaza’s water supply was already unable to meet the World Health Organization’s minimum requirement for daily per capita water consumption.

                  A 2020 study in the journal “Water” found the quality of the groundwater in the aquifer had “deteriorated rapidly,” in large part because it had been pumped out to meet the demands of Gaza’s large population quicker than it could be replaced by rainwater.

                  The aquifer is also polluted by untreated wastewater, leaving 96.2% of household water from the aquifer undrinkable, according to a 2020 report from B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.

                  Most literate genocide denier.

        • @[email protected]
          1615 days ago

          HuMaN sHiElDs

          we literally have videos of IDF soldiers using Palestinians as human shields. There is no such proof for Hamas doing the same, and certainly not with tens of thousands of people simultaneously.

        • @smooth_tea
          1515 days ago

          It’s actually the IDF that uses Palestinians as human shields and routinely kidnaps kids and tortures them. WHICH THEY DO.

          The use of Palestinians as human shields by Israeli Defense Forces has been documented by human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem and Amnesty International.[6][7][8] According to B’Tselem, IDF soldiers put Palestinian civilians in front of them or otherwise putting civilians in the line of fire,[9] and forcing Palestinians to remove suspicious objects (possible explosives).[9] IDF soldiers also force Palestinian civilians to walk through suspected booby-trapped buildings. Israel also formerly employed the “neighbor procedure” in which Palestinian civilians were forced to attempt to persuade wanted individuals to surrender themselves to the IDF.[10] The latter practice was defended by the Israeli defense ministry, but prohibited in 2005 by the Israeli Supreme Court,[11] though there have been accusations of its employment even after the ruling.[12][13] During the 2009 invasion of Gaza, IDF reportedly used Palestinian families (both adult and children) as human shields.[14][15]

        • sweetpotato
          15 days ago

          Bro links an unrelated video of drone footage before 7/10 and draws conclusions about the water in Gaza. This is beyond outrageous.

          Refusing to acknowledge the Israeli settler colonialism, genocide and apartheid OR justifying it with the excuse of Israeli self defence is exactly how most German citizens dealt with the concentration camps. The situation is far too serious and tragic to deal with petty trolls like you, but I will answer for anyone else seeing this.

          The amnesty international substantiates in its reports that the human shields claim is a myth and that it is proven it is Israel in fact that continuously commits this war crime:



          (Ctrl+f “human shields” to find it in the reports)

          Here’s the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International reports on how the Israel apartheid works, the constitutional discrimination against Palestinians and the numerous laws that oppress and restrict rights of the Palestinians living in Israel:



          Even Israelis themselves admit it. Here’s their biggest human rights organisation admitting it:


          Now here’s why we say Israel built the biggest open air prison according to the Humans Rights Watch:


          And here’s how Israel systematically destroys Gaza’s crops, public infrastructure, wells, electricity and water facilities. In a word, how Israel systematically threatens with extinction 2 million people trapped in a tiny strip:





          That’s how and why they don’t have clean water.

          Everything I’ve linked is before 7/10 btw. It’s all a coordinated systematic attempt by Israel to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians waaay before any excuse for any hostage.

          Nazi Germany’s genocide might have been different, but their excuses certainly weren’t.

        • @MellowYellow13
          615 days ago

          So you first denied its happening, and now you agree its happening but youre saying its ok. Fucking yikes

    • @xenoclast
      2616 days ago

      Watch some dumbfuck think genocides need a fucking tier list and that some lives are worth more than others…

      • @redisdead
        15 days ago

        I mean, some lives are definitely worth more than others.

        Pedophiles, rapists, murderers, cops, for example, definitely are not in the same rank as regular human beings. Their contribution to society is not worth keeping them around

        • @xenoclast
          315 days ago

          Not to go too deep into philosophy 101… you’re misattributing the value judgement of their abhorrent actions with their existence.

          Their right to exist is fundamental and all humans share it equally. The consequences for their actions are also something that should be consistent and shared equally. In a impossible perfect world anyway.

          Also… fuck yeah ACAB

          • @redisdead
            15 days ago

            I do attribute their actions to their existence. They chose to do what made them worthless to society. The consequences of their actions is, amongst other things, that their lives are worth less than anyone else’s life.

            If you can only save 3 out of 5 people in a burning building, would you save the Nazi and the pedophile first?

            I wouldn’t save them at all. Their deaths would be a net benefit to everyone else.

      • Allah
        -2816 days ago

        source: hamas health ministry

          • Allah
            -1815 days ago

            According to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry, about 10,000 minors have died in the war from October 7 until January 8, which would be approximately 107 killed per day.

            most literate islamist

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              615 days ago

              What do you think this says of the JPost editorial staff for republishing it? Are they complicit?

        • @[email protected]
          15 days ago

          If you prefer, this peer-reviewed Lancet study used death tolls from other conflicts to estimate that the “hamas health ministry” has wildly undercounted the dead (owing to their policy of only counting someone as dead when a body has been identified), and placed the estimated death toll above 85,000 as of August 6th.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      615 days ago

      What is happening in Palestine now is what the Holocaust looked like in its early stages.

      Are you going to keep your head in the ground until its equivalent?

    • @MellowYellow13
      15 days ago

      Do you not realize whats happening there or something? Thats exactly whats happening