President Volodymyr Zelensky on Aug. 31 called on the U.S., the U.K., France, and Germany to allow Ukraine to use long-range weapons to strike targets in Russia.

“I appeal to the U.S., the U.K., France and Germany. We need the ability to genuinely and fully defend Ukraine and Ukrainians. We require both: permissions for long-range capabilities and your long-range shells and missiles,” Zelensky said in his evening address.

. . .

Kyiv has long argued that restrictions on the use of long-range weapons are stifling its war effort, while Washington claimed that allowing Ukraine to hit deep into Russian territory with its weapons could escalate the conflict.


  • @Lost_My_Mind
    5614 days ago

    I’m at a point where I’m starting to think USA doesn’t want Ukraine to “win” the war, just “fight the war indefinately”. They don’t want either side to lose, but they want Ukraine to look on top.

    • @lepinkainen
      3014 days ago

      This is a perfect way to weaken Russia for a looong time both militarily and economically.

      China will be the next one to do something stupid and a weak Russia is a good thing when it happens

    • @[email protected]
      2114 days ago

      I’ve thought that since Russia first invaded. Really feels like the US is just trying to bleed Russia for as long as possible.

      • @slaacaa
        1514 days ago

        Yes, they are “boiling the frog”. The strategic goal of the US is not Ukraine winning, it’s Russia losing. By grinding up Russian resources month after month, the US can maximize the long-term damage to Russia by destroying their resources (e.g. money, military equipment, soldiers/workforce).

        • @[email protected]
          -113 days ago

          That’s not it, that’s what Russia is trying to pitch to discourage Ukrainians.

          The actual answer is less evil and more sad:

          We weren’t prepared and when the war started we didn’t think Ukraine would fight, we figured they would lose in a month or 2.

          When your whole geopolitical assessment is blown out of the water, you tend to move forward cautiously, because at the level they operate, cautious is always considered the right move with so much at stake.

          Plus, domestic politics means committing makes it a political issue, and as a political issue, the dems could lose the election on this alone. If the Russians actually understood us they could use this in ways you couldn’t imagine, but fortunately their tools are still crude.

        • @[email protected]
          113 days ago

          Da comrade, ignore the Russian threats of war, this is clearly just the west holding back.

          Literally half the shipments were stopped by the Russia wing of the GOP.

    • @[email protected]
      1414 days ago

      Biden is afraid of what it will mean if Russia loses the war. His mindset is quite ossified on a number of topics, and this is one of the biggest ones.

      • @[email protected]
        313 days ago

        I’m all for giving Ukraine everything it needs to teach Russia a lesson that they can’t forget.

        But while I disagree with it, I still understand their fear of a humiliated Russia, they’re erratic at the best of times.

        Still, they broke the peace of Europe, the price they have to pay for that is blood, and it is very high.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        814 days ago

        Well…I took Biden at his word. I thought him having actual empathy meant he could empathize with Ukrainian mothers losing their sons. I thought the goal was to bring the war to an fnd without causing WWIII. I thought it was a balancing act.

        But now I see no balancing act. I just see a never ending war, played like a game, with human lives as the game pieces. Thrown around like monopoly money. But these people are actual real people. Having their home invaded by a ruthless dictator who claims to be anti-nazi, but is legitimately the modern day hitler.

        I guess I’m just disappointed in my country for treating war like a game, and ignoring the death tally.

        • @[email protected]
          213 days ago

          It’s been like this since the beginning of human societies. And every time the people in charge keep lying and convincing it’s citizens it’s way more than just a game. Last century it was religion, this century is human rights.

          The only consistent mistake is the stupid citizens buy it everytime. You’ve just woken up. Hate to tell you, it never gets better.