• @distantsoundsOP
    -1913 days ago

    a total stranger bot. Seriously, I do not think those are hard asks. I am being condescend to and forced to spend over an hour in the system that they designed. Don’t hate the players, hate this boring dystopia.

    • @lady_maria
      313 days ago

      You have presented no evidence that they’re a bot. But whatever makes you feel better about it, I guess.

      It’s obviously understandable that you’d be frustrated by this boring dystopia. Many are. Fucking constantly. You are by no means special in that regard. The problem is that you have so little control of your emotions that you willingly take it out on an innocent person.

      No one is forcing you to behave that way; that is all on you. There is a way to express your concerns to a CSR while also being respectful and polite. That’s not exactly a hard ask, either.