This release marks the completion of the 0.6.x roadmap. Next up we’ll be working through the items on the 0.7.x roadmap. For this release the major features are a new auto-evo algorithm based on miches that should generate much better AI species, and there’s now a convolution surface algorithm which gives macroscopic creatures a “skin” in the prototypes. There’s also a lot of smaller new features and tweaks to the microbe stage as usual. The last roadmap items to be completed where engulfing balancing and fixing as well as allowing continuing as a related species in easy mode.

You can read more in the devblog

  • Blastboom Strice
    26 months ago

    I don’t exactly understand your comment (did you mean to type “can” or “much” instead?), but either way I didnt find its gameplay limited. It had lots of stuff to try.😅 I just didnt have enough time to play it.

    PS. Do you know if you can become a multi-cellular organism in the game?

    • @TootSweet
      36 months ago

      Without confirming on the site/devlog, I think what heartbreaker was saying was that the multicellular phase features are still in early-ish development. So, technically yes, you can do multicellular (though maybe only in nightly builds or something? not sure) but there’s not very much to do in the multicellular phase just yet.

    • @heartbreakerOP
      26 months ago


      I don’t exactly understand your comment (did you mean to type “can” or “much” inste

      Sorry, I meant that the organism stage is very early in development. However, you can become multicellular by using the binding agent, but they are still working on that part as well.