Currently on holiday in Croatia; beautiful country etc etc, but what the hell is wrong with your drivers?
Outside of cities it feels like the only speeds known to mankind are 90km/h for one lane roads and 130km/h for those with two or more.
A speed limit of 80 or 100 on a highway? Completely ignored, unless it’s a tunnel, then 100 is ok.
Some section of road outside of a city says 70, 60 or 50? Ignored, just drive through with 90.
Beautiful two-lane road (D424) from A1 to Zadar with a limit of 80, me doing 90 because that’s OK somehow and most other cars overtake me with 20 km/h more at least.
So, what is wrong with your drivers?
When signing my BMW lease, I was told the signs show the suggested minimum speed
That’s expected of BMW