The X post in question is indeed authentic; the official @KamalaHarris X account originally published it on April 21, 2017, as part of a longer thread on the topic of immigration and citizenship. The full thread is as follows:

An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.

Give people a path to citizenship. The vast majority of folks we’re talking about are living a lawful life and paying taxes.

It’s ludicrous to say we’re going to deport 12 million people. Now how are you going to do that?

We are not a society that is going to stand for tearing families apart. We are not going to buy into this administration’s fear mongering.

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    -16 months ago

    So why are so many still in cages and why does she uphold the republican border policy?

    • @takeda
      76 months ago

      Coming illegally is a civil violation, not criminal. That’s why they are not criminals.

      It is hilarious seeing as her opponents trying to make her as some kind of extremist. For example even on the same channel one could see them saying she is not tough on crime, and also that she was packing jails with low offendera and and turning them into modern slavery.

      You don’t have to be an extremist. You can still understand the importance of borders and not want take basic human rights from people who managed to cross the border illegally or overstayed their visas.

      It’s hilarious seeing comments from the left how she is a fake progressive, while at the same time seeing from trump campaign that she is what would happen if Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin had a baby.

      • @BleatingZombie
        6 months ago

        Coming illegally is a civil violation, not criminal. That’s why they are not criminals

        I’ve literally never even heard that! I had no idea

        I’m not doubting you in the slightest, but do you have a source? I’m not sure where I would look

      • ComradeSharkfucker
        6 months ago

        I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world

        From her DNC speech. She has never been progressive. The bombs will continue to drop, the drones will continue to strike, and immigrants will continue to be dehumanized because that is what is necessary to maintain the wealth and power of our country. Also her record as prosecutor is enough for me to know she is a POS

        Also the genocide that she supports is pretty bad too obviously

        • @takeda
          06 months ago

          Your problem is believing that on the world scene if one side acts rightful everyone else did. On reality other countries will fuck up anyone and exploit it.

          Just see how Russia is fucking Ukraine even though it has very friendly relationship and the only thing it wanted is for Russia to respect their sovereignty.

          Situation between Israel and Hamas is such that both sides want to wipe each other from the planet earth.

          US usually is attacked by people for interfering in other countries, so when it isn’t opting in to be a world police that’s also bad?

          Also her record as prosecutor is enough for me to know she is a POS

          • ComradeSharkfucker
            6 months ago

            None of our wars are defensive nor are they for the benefit of the people of those countries. We go to war for resources and to keep the south impoverished so that they are most easily exploitable. We certainly cannot expect every country ever to act perfectly reasonably but it should be noted that not a single battle has been fought on american soil since the “battle” of wounded knee in 1890 and that was a slaughter. We have never been threatened militarily. We are not the world police and it is not our place to be exert our power over others to “save them”. Living conditions only get worse after our invasions.

            We slaughtered so many north koreans they lost 20% of their population. Bombers would come back without dropping any bombs because there weren’t any targets left to hit. source 635,000 tons of bombs and 32,557 tons of napalm were used by the United States

            There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders.

            -General Curtis LeMay

            More recently US claimed the presence of WMD in Iraq to justify their invasion but this was later proven false. source They also obviously used 9/11 to justify their invasion despite it being perpetrated by a saudi who directly quotes part of his motivation for the attack as being US culpability in the palestinian apartheid. Because of this at least 480,000 people died directly from violent causes during the war, including 244,000 civilians. source If deaths from disease, displacement, and destruction of infrastructure are also included, the death toll is around 2.4 million. source 43,000 Iraqis were detained, more than 70% of whom were innocent. source An unmentioned major long-term effect of the US invasion of Iraq is cancer and birth defects due to the US firing depleted uranium. Iraqi government figures show the following pattern regarding the rate of cancer cases: 40 people out of 100k prior to the First Gulf War (1991); 800 out of 100k (1995); >1,600 out of 100k (2005). source

            We have no system to register all of them, so we have so many cases we are missing… I think I only know of 40-50 percent of the cases because so many families have their babies at home and we never know of these, and other clinics are not registering them either.

            -Dr. Samira Alani

            Some of the US war crimes in Iraq

            I could go on, all of our invasions and genocides are like this

            This does not seem like world policing to me, it doesn’t seem like protecting civilians against an oppressive state apparatus that can’t be reasoned with. To me it seems like we are the oppressive state that can’t be reasoned with.

            • @takeda
              16 months ago

              Ok so this time US doesn’t brings their troops to help Israel (like the other candidate wants), why is that bad?

    • Unruffled [they/them]OPM
      16 months ago

      I think that’s simple - because she’s not as progressive as you or I would like her to be on that issue. You know the Democrats - they’re always inching to the right on border security for those sweet “centrist” votes, instead of moving to the left.

      • ComradeSharkfucker
        6 months ago

        Tbh my question was rhetorical. I’m a communist so very much aware of what she is

        • Unruffled [they/them]OPM
          16 months ago

          You just came to slag her off then? Fair enough, I guess. I’m not sure Putin or Xi have any better border policies to aspire to, though if Kamala opened the border up, presumably you’d be ok with her sticking all the migrants into forced labor / re-education camps for “coercive ethnic assimilation” of the Mexicans like Xi recently enshrined in legislation?

          • ComradeSharkfucker
            16 months ago

            Communist aren’t the ones putting the working class in labor camps nor are we the ones creating the conditions causing the mass migration. I want bezos and musk to work in the mines not some random mexican prole. I came here to rag on her because I think liberals need to be made aware of their cognitive dissonance.

            I know you are an anarchist, we want the same thing. I just don’t believe we can get there without a transitory state who’s purpose is the suppression of the bourgeois because class does not disappear when we say so. I genuinely would love to hear how anarchist believe the inevitable counter-revolution should be prevented.

            • Unruffled [they/them]OPM
              06 months ago

              Isn’t it (at least notionally) communists who are currently busy conscripting immigrants and waging an illegal invasion and attempted genocide of Ukraine, while the US helps Israel to carry out genocide in Gaza? But I guess imperialism is ok when it’s a communist state doing it?

              I have zero problem with criticizing the US where I think it’s deserved. I’m not American, and I don’t live there. It’s the double standards I don’t like and MLs hiding behind “critical support” to ONLY criticize the US, or more broadly, the West. Complaining about the US supporting right wing states like Israel, while MLs give Russia a free pass for cozying up to Iran and North Korea in order to wage an imperialist war to re-vassalize Ukraine just seem like political partisanship to me. They all suck. None of them deserve a free pass, and we shouldn’t buy Putin’s pretexts for starting and continuing that war any more than we should accept Israel’s pretexts for continuing their genocide. If all someone does is criticize the West while giving a free pass to everyone who hates the West, then they are simply propagandists as far as I’m concerned (and vice versa). Not accusing you of that specifically, but I see it all the time on some instances.

              As an anarchist living in a liberal democracy, my observation is that replacing a Capitalist authoritarian State with a Communist authoritarian State in the vein of Russia or China is simply not something that I (or really any significant demographic living in the West) wants. You’re never going to get a communist revolution in the US - it’s nothing but a fantasy. All the failed Communist experiments around the world have destroyed its appeal as a viable alternative. Of course we could argue about why they failed, but that’s really beside the point here.

              Having said that, I have no doubt that Socialism is a better and more equitable economic model than Capitalism. And I think you are right, we probably do want the same end state, we are just arguing over the means to that end, and perhaps over some of the implementation details. But the question of how to get from the current state to some future anarcho-socialist state is unresolved, as you are no doubt well aware. I don’t think anyone has written a convincing account of that might credibly happen in an advanced economy like the US, especially when the population is so brainwashed the working class routinely votes against their own interests.

              My personal view is that the US would be well served by the creation of a third major political party that is unapologetically Socialist. I know Bernie was/is imperfect, but if he had started his own party instead of aligning with the Democrats, US politics might look very different right now. He was actually grass-roots popular, and some form of Democratic Socialism is likely the only type of Socialism that is likely to get over the line in the US as a first step back to the left. IMO it’s going to be impossible to move the Democrats to the left, so we need to start over, before they assimilate and neutralize all the truly progressive candidates.

              • ComradeSharkfucker
                46 months ago

                Ok so I feel it needs to be stated that Russia is very much a capitalist state these days. It should also be noted that the majority of communists have no love for putin or the Russian invasion of Ukraine. None of us want to see people die. We do however understand the material conditions that led to Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine and rightfully criticize the western powers that purposefully pushed for this course of action and continue to prolong the war not to help the Ukrainian people but rather to harm Russia. I just want the war to be over, I don’t give a shit about who owns what land. What will materially change for the Ukrainian working class should they be assimilated into Russia? They would still be proles no? Just subservient to a different ruling class. The people of Ukraine are dying to protect the interest of their bourgeoisie and western bourgeoisie. They are being used. Obviously I am not so naive as to believe the Ukrainian ruling class would just give up their capital to Russia without a fight but we must recognize that this is not our war and it is not in our interest to fight it.

                Also you’re right, there likely won’t be communism here unfortunately. I recognize this but I will still do everything I can to protect my comrades. Best of luck building your movement where you are. May we both one day see change