Some of the LinkedIn Responses are direct and on-point, and also hilariously/depressingly based depending on how you look at it:

EDIT: In hindsight, I think I should’ve looked into posting this in a different community… It’s closer to a silly “innovation”… soo… is this considered FUD? I also don’t support smoking or vaping, especially among kids. Original title had “privacy-violating” before the “solution”.

  • @helpImTrappedOnline
    6 months ago

    Big LED light outside bathroom

    paper sign underneath light “vaping detected”

    The amount of over enginnering that went into this is why we can’t have nice things.

    If you want to record it, hook it up to a computer somewhere, detect whenever the sensor state changes and send an email to the admins…or just point a camera at it and the doorway.