• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      -166 months ago

      But you said, “it’s neat how you keep proving my point.” So I’m helping you, yes? That’s a good thing, right?!

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -156 months ago

          But the water is not a person you are having a discussion with. I helped you make your point. And I said I am glad I could help. :)

          So did I not help you make the point you were trying to make?

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              -146 months ago

              i simply observed you being yourself. you get no credit for that.

              I don’t get credit for being myself?! I mean, who would get credit for me being me, then? You said I proved your point. So I helped you. Which makes us friends. So we’re cool now, right?