• @ocassionallyaduck
    6 months ago

    This has ruined ALL of Disney’s live action remakes, and many of its latest animated projects for me as well.

    Just make a villain a villain. Every villain doesn’t have to be a misunderstood genius. Give me more Ursula and Malificent (OG). The Malificent film was a great one-off, but it taught all the wrong lessons to the suits, and now we get “relatable” villains only. Classic, straight up mean bitch super witch Malificent is no more. She originally cursed that girl over not being invited guys. Malificent was the ultimate hater.

    Now they’d wanna give Jafar a miniseries about how he’s only greedy and betraying the Sultan cause he saw the plight of the poor or something. And don’t get me started on the way they are ruining Scar in the unnecessary Mufasa film… Ugh.