…to a reasonable degree, at least.

  • @cybersandwich
    225 months ago

    Newborn diapers.

    Get the cheapest Walmart special you can find. Newborns don’t poop or pee enough to warrant fussing over fancy diapers.

    Once they get bigger and the contents start getting…bigger, then spend more on better diapers.

    • @RBWells
      45 months ago

      Plus buy only one pack ahead of time since you don’t know if they will even fit. None of my newborns came out small enough for newborn size anything.

    • @Briguy
      35 months ago

      I actually had the opposite experience with my son. When he was a newborn and wasn’t eating solid food yet he didn’t have any solid poos and was blowing out the Pampers at least once a day.

      Once he was size 2 we started buying store brand but it was also the same time he started eating real food so he would blow out far less often. Now he’s 11 months old and hasn’t had a blowout in probably a couple months and we’ve been using store brand diapers with great success