Don’t worry I’m here for every delicious bit of drama.

  • @finitebanjo
    12 days ago

    cArE TO eLABoRaTE oN That?

    Sure, which part confuses you?

      • @finitebanjo
        12 days ago

        They have the exact same goals and stances. They want the west to tear down it’s own institutions and demilitarize. Since Hexbear is failing to gain views these days, a slow shift towards anti-democracy sentiment on instances such as SLRPNK has been seen in it’s stead.

        I admit I could just have a skewed perspective since I only ever seem to see the worst examples, like this one.

        • @[email protected]
          1112 days ago

          The problem I see here is that you perceive this as being anti-democracy when it really isn’t. Criticism of western democracy isn’t equivalent to a total rejection of democracy in general. Capitalism renders democracies ineffectual, which is what I perceived this meme to be pointing out.

          • @finitebanjo
            112 days ago

            It literally blames “Western Democracy” for all of its problems.

            • @Eldritch
              211 days ago

              You might be reading too much into this. Now if you can link to that same user praising Marxist leninism or any of the countries still based on that ideology. Then you have a hypocrisy to critique. But in the absence of that. Those are valid critiques of both Western democracy and Marxist leninist governments. And it’s probably based on their lived experience in a western democracy that they are criticizing it. I’m sure you can find many in China who would have similar criticisms about their own system.

              And just to make sure it gets said. Anarchists have no more love for the Chinese Communist Party than you do. So if you think they’re honestly using Anarchist as an attack Vector of the west. They’re going to need all the luck they can get with it.

              • @finitebanjo
                211 days ago

                Those are fair points, but I think it might be better to have a very healthy dose of doubt towards anybody who advocates a teardown of democratic systems of laws. Not the same user in question, but I’ve seen various slrpnk posts defending things from TikTok to Raw Milk.

                • @Eldritch
                  111 days ago

                  Are they truly Democratic though. Anarchism is an extreme form of democracy BTW. Not anti democratic. Coming at it from an American perspective, even many of our founding father’s figured by now we’d have majorly overhauled our governing system nearly 10 or more times. They knew their system was flawed. Instead institutional inertia has caused it to become progressively less democratic by many measures. And people turned the founders into infallible deities.

                  I have less issue with those advocating to rework or abolish institutions. Than those that as a blanket say we can’t question or modify them. Criticism etc should be couched in actually making those institutions more democratic and equitable of course. Not like the economic liberals that like to pretend that they are Libertarians advocating for tax cut and end to regulations that reign in the avarice of Corporations And the wealthy.

                  • @finitebanjo
                    11 days ago

                    When a decision making system is torn down through violent means then for at least a breif moment might makes right, which is absolutely anti-democratic.

            • @[email protected]
              212 days ago

              It points out the contradiction of being in a supposedly free Western Democracy but still being totally at the mercy of others. It isn’t necessarily that Western Democracy is the cause, but that it fails to address these problems.

              • @finitebanjo
                11 days ago

                As opposed to Eastern Democracies which select our perfect godlike leaders who will show us the way to a perfect future (a long painful way), right comrade? /sarcasm

        • KillingTimeItself
          312 days ago

          idk if its the exact same goals. idk much about solarpunk aside from the fact that it’s techpunk futurist. Matched with primitive and simple living. theoreticalyl any style of government would work with it, but im guessing anarchy tends to pair with it nicely (i.e. little to no local government, but government on a state/federal level explicitly bound in its capabilities of power.

          tankies or hexbear users im not really sure what their goal is, tankies love russia and china, so presumably they want more of that and less of the west, or just less of the west, i’m not really sure. western commies are usually what i call “pseudo commies” they want communism only because our western capitalism sucks and is bad. If they had capitalism but non shit they would like it equally as much.

        • @[email protected]
          -112 days ago

          Sad that you’re being downvoted for speaking the truth, but the reality is that they’r they’ve got stronghold all over Lemmy’s fediverse, and control the narrative through actions like downvoting your post below 0.

    • @[email protected]
      512 days ago

      I wish for once I could just have a civil conversation about my views without people immediately jumping down my throat and accusing me of being a CCP or Russian shill, or a dirty liberal, or a filthy communist. This is what I’m talking about when I say I just end up getting shit on from all sides. Every unsavory label in the book gets stuck to me before I even get a chance to clarify my views.

      • @Katana314
        111 days ago

        I might enjoy this, but I’d have a requirement: Every participant join via webcam, not text posting.

        Yes, that gives away much of your identity and makes you vulnerable. That’s the shared price we’d all pay to have a little bit of trust in each other. It would make it much harder for one person to be a bot posting from multiple accounts.

      • @finitebanjo
        012 days ago

        If we gave equal time to each and every shill, conscious or otherwise, then we would literally never talk about anything else except an infinite debate about whether or not a government office who hired an Operation Paperclip employee 70 years ago is capable of being a force of good.

        We just don’t have time for bullshit from people like you, keep searching.

        • @[email protected]
          312 days ago

          I believe there are a lot of government orgs that could be forces for good if they weren’t completely at the mercy of powerful corporations.