I am trying to make a wheel and I idk what to do 😭 😭 😭 I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING THAT WAS IN THE INTRUCTIONS

  • TAPgiles
    15 months ago

    Okay, so you don’t need to put the code into the HTML as well; you can remove that.

    The error box tells you there’s an error with [output]. Which you don’t need at all, so you can remove that from the HTML panel and that error will go away.

    The wheelOptions object in the perchance panel ends immediately (with no items or properties or settings)… because the next line lineWidth=10 is not indented. So it just starts its own new list called lineWidth=10. That’s not what you want.

    Indent it, and now that is a property of wheelOptions, and the rest of the items below it will be as well. So when wheelOptions is sent into that makeWheel() function it will use those settings to build the wheel.

      • BluePower
        35 months ago

        You can use Tab or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+] to indent a line without having to move the cursor to the first few characters. Also Shift+Tab or Ctrl+[ to unindent the line in the same way.