• @Cosmonauticus
    8511 days ago

    Nothing says back to school time more than the smell of gunpowder. And of course nothing will be done because America has decided guns have more rights than kids.

    • @[email protected]
      4411 days ago

      For us here in Europe I think this is the biggest culture shock when it comes to America. It’s just unthinkable to prioritise your drunk neighbour’s right to bear arms over children’s lives.

      • @[email protected]
        1911 days ago

        can’t say “culture” without saying “cult”

        and nothing triggers (lol) gunbros more than telling them “carrying an assault rifle into starbucks doesn’t make you look tough, it makes you look like a weak scared fucking pussy”

    • The Pantser
      2211 days ago

      Because they don’t want kids educated, they want them dumb and easy to manipulate. Easiest way is to ensure no learning can actually be accomplished by forcing schools to spend needless money on security forces and metal detectors all while reducing school funding so we can’t pay teachers a living wage.

    • Boozilla
      1711 days ago

      Boring dystopia wins again. Our country likes its gun freedumbs more than its own children staying alive. (While making all sorts of noises about saving the children from…books).

    • @IchNichtenLichten
      1411 days ago

      America has decided guns have more rights than kids.

      This is the truth. Jim Jefferies did a great stand up set about guns in the US. His conclusion was that none of the reasons for owning a gun really stand up apart from the obvious one - “I like guns, and I like them more than I like unmurdered kids”


    • Jo Miran
      311 days ago

      Nothing says back to school time more than the smell of gunpowder.

      Fuck’n-ell-m8! I mean, true…but savage.