By adult I mean over 18-20 years of age and with adult appearances. Nothing against anime with younger characters, but interested in finding some with older characters.

  • 2ugly2live
    6 months ago

    Odd Taxi (crime drama)

    Psychopass (crime drama)

    Cells at Work: Code Black (… Medical drama?)

    Death Parade (Death game-ish)

    Devilman Crybaby (main character is a high schooler, but it’s irrelevant imo. I didn’t remember until I looked it up again. This is a grim series )

    Inuyashiki (Action. Old man is a complete Chad)

    Panty & Stocking (Comedy)

    Jellyfish Princess (Drama)

    Saga of Tanya the Terrible (it’s not really a kid, action)

    Saint Young Men (Comedy)

    Samurai Champloo (Action)

    Shiki (Horror/Drama)

    Monster (Mystery)

    Rose of Versailles (Very old, but romance/drama)

    Almost all of Satoshi Kon’s work (including Paranoia Agent)

    Ruroni Kenshin (Shounen)

    Yurii on Ice (Romance/drama)