I have not heard such a thing from left leaning folks, but I’d quickly shut them down if they were suggesting pity for these people.

  • @gAlienLifeform
    726 months ago

    This is something that needs to be said about all Republicans. Their party’s been indulging in fascist politics since Goldwater ran on opposing the civil rights act six decades ago, but we keep pretending there are decent people with the intellectual capacity to serve in office who identify as Republicans anyway for some reason. The uncomfortable but simple fact is that there are only idiot Republicans who don’t realize their party’s continued existence is a threat to the country and evil Republicans who do, and neither should be in any kind of government office ever.

    • @some_designer_dude
      36 months ago

      Y’all fought and killed a bunch of each other but, after defeating them, both sides just returned to the dinner table like things were normal again… Despite one of them having tried and failed to destroy it all.

      How were they not just deplatformed entirely? Money, I guess?