• TheTechnician27
    713 days ago

    I’ve had a similar experience too. One time I couldn’t find my phone, so I start looking high and low. Not in my bedroom, not in the bathroom, the kitchen… At this point, I’m turning over every stone, looking through cabinets and drawers, running out to my car to see if it’s in there. Come back in and decide that it must’ve fallen under my bed and I just didn’t hear it. Can’t see under there really well, so I pull out the flashlight on my phone. Start looking under there, still not turning up. The panic is really starting to kick in.

    An embarrassing amount of time passes before I realize that I’m holding and using the thing I’m looking for.

    • DominusOfMegadeus
      211 days ago

      The Apple Watch ability to instantly ping my phone has been a godsend. Wish I had gotten one sooner.

      • TheTechnician27
        211 days ago

        That’s me with KDE Connect on my desktop and laptop. It’s sooooo nice.