I’ve watched shows, movies, read comics or listened to podcasts where there is a lot of build up around a mystery, only for the end to be lackluster. In these the journey itself was more riveting than where we ended up. What are some instances where the answer lived up to the hype?

  • @[email protected]
    296 months ago

    When it was first released, The Sixth Sense ending blew everyones’ minds.

    Usual Suspects and Se7en as well.

    • Vanth
      6 months ago

      My youngest sister has never watched Sixth Sense so that’s the plan the next time one of us visits the other.

      I suspect even though she doesn’t know the twist, it has invaded pop culture references and memes enough that she will figure it out early on in the movie. I remember even just knowing there was A Twist^TM was enough for me to spot what was coming much earlier on than the reveal. Really looking forward to seeing what she thinks of the movie from her Gen Z perspective.

      • @ApollosArrowOP
        46 months ago

        I definitely think this movie popularized the “but it needs a twist at the end” trend.

    • @ApollosArrowOP
      36 months ago

      All three great answers. I thoroughly enjoyed them. I’ve been trying to get my wife to watch Se7en or Usual Suspects for years.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Fun fact about Fenster’s weird accent: Benicio Del Toro decided that he was playing a “Black Chinese Puerto Rican Jew”.

    • @blackbirdbiryani
      16 months ago

      I never watched sixth sense but I’ve already had it spoiled :(