I feel that Yaml sucks. I understand the need for such markup language but I think it sucks. Somehow it’s clunky to use. Can you explain why?

  • @marcos
    75 months ago

    TFB, the numbers are not defined as 64 bits floats.

    They are just not defined. At all.

    • @TCB13
      15 months ago

      Exactly that’s a job for the parser / consumer.

      • @marcos
        15 months ago

        That’s a valid point.

        There are two kinds of good serialization languages, the ones where values are black boxes and only serialize the data structure, and the ones where everything is completely determined and can be turned directly into an API.

        JSON is neither, but it’s closer to the first than YAML. XML is the first, while the SOAP standard almost turns it into the second. TOML is about as close to the first as JSON.