Today, Friday Sept 6, is the scheduled start to early voting in North Carolina.

  • @givesomefucks
    16 months ago

    Your source literally started out by saying it’s not happening…

    This election is important man, just take a second before posting to vet what you’re saying. It honestly seems like you have good intentions, but that’s not enough bro.

    You need to make sure what you’re saying is factual. Even people making innocent mistakes can cause issues down the line. Just added confusion about the voting process has been shown to depress turnout.

    • @trek32OP
      06 months ago

      Are you the mod here messing with my account? because I want to file a formal complaint with whatever the systems are on this platform. It’s one thing to correct people or ask for clarification or edits, it’s another to start nuking people’s posts and comments without asking and making stuff just disappear.

      • @trek32OP
        16 months ago

        BTW, PBS Newshour just reported on their daily broadcast

        “As the campaign enters the final 2 months sprint, voting can officially begin as the first absentee ballots hit mailboxes in North Carolina today”

        4:25 :