I was playing Sea of Thieves again with a Friend. We figured out we could get on top of the mast and were messing around with emotes. We thought it was the funniest shit ever. Here’s a screenshot I took of me laying on the Mast. I have another of me in a barrel too.

  • @[email protected]
    116 months ago

    Such a great game with friends. I also don’t mind roaming the seas in the morning with a coffee before the family wakes up!

    • @Thrashy
      6 months ago

      I had quite a bit of fun with it for a few weekends with my friends, but ultimately the lack of a system for mechanical progression left it feeling a bit shallow (ha!). As a primarily PvE game with light PvP it’s in a weird place where it doesn’t have quite enough RPG-like elements to hold my interest on the PvE side, or enough player-on-player combat to make it a gripping contest of skill.

      It’s still a fun game to hop into from time to time, but it’s never been appointment gaming for me

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      16 months ago

      Before I had friends who would play it with me I would solo roam a Galleon by myself. Playing by yourself can be a fun experience some times