• @[email protected]
    136 months ago

    One of my least favorite things is people being aggressively defensive… before anyone’s said a goddamn thing.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      -176 months ago

      Oh and one from this very thread, in spite of my disclaimer:

      We all see you and your agenda here. The reason people hate you is because you’ve earned it. If you’re asking people not to vote for Kamala, you’re carrying water for Trump, especially in swing states.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        76 months ago

        Did you report the comment because it’s up and it doesn’t seem to break any community or site-wide rules.

        It seems you just want to censor dissenting views yet complain that you’re censored.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      6 months ago

      I’ve been posting here for a bit, and trust me friend, plenty has been said. So much so that the mods had to have a sidebar about me because so many people were aggressive and angry that I post third party articles. The mods here are awesome by the way, and agreed that I am not breaking the rules! Because this IS a community that discusses a diversity of politics.

      But the personal attacks and insults are getting out of hand, hence my disclaimer when I post now.

      Here’s just few spirited comments to me from last couple of days:

      You’re a fool

      I’m so convinced this isn’t a Russian bot churning out support for third parties in swing states to get Trump elected.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          no dude, you don’t get it, it was just an article that was posted on a larger site and so now it’s posted here somehow with 90 similar ones. He has no motivation or agenda or opinion at all really! Can’t we just discuss the articles?

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
            6 months ago

            Can’t we just discuss the articles?

            Agreed! Because as you know, this is a political news sub and it’s for ALL types of political news articles. Not just pro-Democrat ones. Right?

            Anyone who doesn’t like the fact that I post political news articles, can definitely block me or message the mods if they think the articles posted are inappropriate for this community. Thank you!

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          6 months ago

          I’m not accusing you of being a Russian asset or a bot here, but the people saying that have a point.

          How so? Because I post articles about third parties? And the vast vast majority of my posts are the a socialist sub that I created and mod?

          You’re constantly encouraging left-leaning voters in swing states

          How am I “constantly encouraging” them? By posting news articles? I didn’t write the articles. And I have posted third party libertarian news, and the theory that people are saying is that libertarians actually take votes away from republicans.

          We all see you and your agenda here.

          And what is my agenda?

          Just because I am not voting for your candidate doesn’t mean I have an agenda. Please see the disclaimer comment I posted when I posted the article. I don’t write the news, I just post the articles, friend.

          I support and respect your right to vote for who you wish. Just as I would think you support and respect my right to as well.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          6 months ago

          We all see you and your agenda here. The reason people hate you is because you’ve earned it. If you’re asking people not to vote for Kamala, you’re carrying water for Trump, especially in swing states.

          When have I asked people not to vote for Kamala?

          In fact, if you recognize my username and pattern as you say you do, then you’ll see multiple comments of me telling people that I support and respect their rights to vote for who they want. In fact, I’ll start putting that in my disclaimer from now on too. Because you seem to be overlooking that fact.

          How is posting a news article “encouraging people to not vote for Kamala”? Do you think people are so week that me posting an article is going to magically make them not vote for Kamala?!

          Just because I personally am not voting for the corrupt two-party system doesn’t equate to supporting fascists — I’m personally just voting for the candidate that I think is pushing for real change and ending the status quo.

          But I’m fine with people voting for who they want. And I have never asked anyone to vote the way I am. You don’t seem particularly fine with the concept of people voting for who they want to, though.

          It’s a news article, friend. I didn’t write it. If you feel the article is inaccurate, please reach out the the news org who wrote it and let them know if you don’t think they should be publishing it.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          6 months ago

          I’ve just updated the statement I will post with every single article I post to this sub from now on. I have updated based on your misunderstanding. Please refrain from implying that I am encouraging people to vote for my candidate:

          ----To cut through the nonsense and save everyone time, especially since many in this community have a habit of resorting to personal attacks when responding to my posts recently: I support and respect everyone’s right to vote for who they want to.

          I’m just posting this article that’s already available on a much bigger platform than Lemmy—I didn’t write it, just sharing it for discussion. I am NOT saying that anyone has to vote any certain way.

          I’m clarifying all of this due to past posters refusing to refrain from insults, as well as repeated baseless accusations that I’m a Republican, Russian, and/or that I’m not even an American citizen (sorry guys, I’m all American)

          So I’d prefer we stick to discussing the article’s politics rather than focusing on me personally, if you’d like to engage with me. Now if you wanna just talk crap about me but not talk to me, then feel free. But I don’t really think that fits in with the spirit of this awesome community.

          I’m not here to prove anything to you. I’ll keep posting content that fits the community’s guidelines, and if you feel otherwise, the mods are available. Thank you! -----

          Cool? From now on, let’s stop with the personal attacks on me just because I posted an article you don’t like. Let’s try to stick to discussing the article. Thank you!

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            66 months ago

            You’ve shown evidence of exactly two comments that were rule breaking enough that the mods removed them.

            You’ve made one thousand six hundred and fifty eight so those two are statistically insignificant and definitely don’t warrant spamming a disclaimer on all the junk you post.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        mods having a special meeting to decide how to deal with you is not really a glowing endorsement.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -66 months ago

          mods having a special meeting to decide how to deal with you is not really a glowing endorsement.

          The meeting was because you guys seem to lose your mind when I post, rather than just shrug and move on. And the meeting decided that I’m not doing anything wrong, so you guys just need to calm down a bit. Cuz I’m still posting and I’ll continue to do so.

          Again, if you have a problem with me, please feel free to block me so you don’t have to see my posts anymore. Thank you!

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            Again another instance of everyone being wrong except the one person. There’s just no chance you’re the problem. Since no one has proved you’ve broken rules or laws, you’re 100% right always! Thank you!!!

      • @Viking_Hippie
        16 months ago

        You’re a fool

        Only a fool would include such a mild insult as justification for their persecution complex 😄

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -166 months ago

          Only a fool would include such a mild insult as justification for their persecution complex 😄

          His comment calling me a fool got removed for civility because it is against this subs rules, so…

          • @Viking_Hippie
            36 months ago

            Still far too mild to bother anyone who’s not oversensitive, whether mod or “victim”.

            You probably wouldn’t even be censured for calling the Chair a fool during a Senate hearing, it’s so mild!

            If being called a fool is beyond the pale for you, maybe the internet is too rough and you should limit your conversation to safer spaces until you grow a much thicker skin 😄

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              -166 months ago

              Still far too mild to bother anyone who’s not oversensitive, whether mod or “victim”.

              OR people can try to make their points without calling anyone names, regardless of who they are voting for.

              I’ve never called anyone names.

              If being called a fool is beyond the pale for you, maybe the internet is too rough and you should limit your conversation to safer spaces until you grow a much thicker skin 😄

              If these community rules are too hard for you to follow, maybe you should limit your conversation to more relaxed spaces until you figure out that people can actually disagree with someone without calling them names. Cool?