1. Fitted sheet must have label on bottom right seam
  2. Salted butter wrapping text must be red. Unsalted blue.
  • @[email protected]
    135 months ago

    Anyone who lets their dog bark outside for 10+ continuous minutes (except in case of emergency) loses dog privileges for a year. One year added for every five minutes over 10.

    ShotSpotter installs can be repurposed to locate homes of negligent owners who are annoying the entire neighborhood by letting their dogs bark unmitigated.

    • @ChexMax
      25 months ago

      My neighbor texted me the one time they had their dog barking in the backyard for 10 min + with an explanation of why he was out there, and the offer to bring him back in if it was too noisy in our house. 10/10 great neighbor, and honestly made me not mind the barking at all

        • @ChexMax
          25 months ago

          That they were trying to train their toddler to sit at the table but having an issue because the toddler wants to give the dog the table food and the dog wants to get that food which knocks the toddler over because the toddler is just learning to sit at the table. They normally put the dog out no problem but the dog knows the toddler is at that table now so is extra motivated to be let back in. A short term thing, and they needed the toddler to be able to focus.

    • @[email protected]
      -25 months ago

      Its so hard to get them penalized for barking too. Lucky for me my dumb bitch neighbor was letting her dog roam off leash so i nailed her for that and ive been able to get some sleep. Most of the time you have to get 2 other neighbors to report them as well, which is bullshit imo.