Do you miss phones with replaceable batteries? By 2027, you won’t anymore because, by law, almost every smartphone will have them again.

    • Dark Arc
      231 year ago

      Exactly, every phone doesn’t need to be replaced 3-4 years. Fairphone is doing a great thing with Fairphone 3 getting 7 years of updates.

    • @DontMakeItTim
      101 year ago

      It’s not an original thought, but one that no-one has been able to realize. Turns out tech moves forward, and people want the latest and greatest.

      • @CarnivorousCouch
        01 year ago

        There’s nothing I do on my current phone that I couldn’t do on a phone ten years ago, technologically speaking. When I upgraded my phone recently, it was solely because of battery deterioration and because the previous model was out of service for security updates. I don’t think I’m alone here.

        • @straF
          01 year ago

          On device ML.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          The good news for you is that most 10 year old phones have user serviceable batteries, so you’re free to keep using those if you want.

          Not much you can do about software updates, unless you want to pay significantly more for a new phone to cover the cost of OEMs having to pay their engineers to build those updates for the dozens of phones that get released over a 10 year window.