• @starchylemming
    189 days ago

    the whole shows premise is to make you go “Holy fucking lol what” pretty much when they push new extremes every episods

    but despite that its actually very good

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      49 days ago

      It is very good, but they crossed the line for me, and I stopped watching. I’m not sure when it was crossed. I think it was s03e01 when they were running around inside of a human asshole, and then turned a person into little meaty bits all over the room. But I finished the season somehow. When another season was announced, I decided not to watch it. I do enjoy the show, but I don’t enjoy feeling like my eyes and brain have been violated every other episode.

      • @starchylemming
        139 days ago

        they were running around inside a human penis yes .

        somehow the deep making out with a squid was worse for me

        • @BatrickPateman
          48 days ago

          Well, shit, why did I not watch that sooner? Seems I have some catching up to do.


      • @[email protected]
        68 days ago

        I only ever saw the first episode and hated the guy whose girlfriend is run over. The whole character rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn’t care for him at all despite the show trying to make me care. The star light lady that was the only thing that got me, where I was like I hope she will be fine. But it wasn’t enough for me to commit to watching more.