Bwahaha, I had a tempered measuring cup, a big one I used for pancake batter, stuff like that. One day I gently tapped it with a wooden spoon and it exploded. Pancake batter and (yep, not sharp) tiny pieces of glass everywhere! That was the day I learned tempered glass can store energy. It wasn’t that one tap, but every thwack it ever received built up, until it could not store any more and it exploded. Very interesting to learn but very messy.
Bwahaha, I had a tempered measuring cup, a big one I used for pancake batter, stuff like that. One day I gently tapped it with a wooden spoon and it exploded. Pancake batter and (yep, not sharp) tiny pieces of glass everywhere! That was the day I learned tempered glass can store energy. It wasn’t that one tap, but every thwack it ever received built up, until it could not store any more and it exploded. Very interesting to learn but very messy.
Interesting. I didn’t know. Maybe my glasses will explode one of these days.
Although as long as it doesn’t turn into tiny knives that I’ll still occasionally find under my feet months later, I wouldn’t mind much.