• @[email protected]
    216 months ago

    This will be interesting to watch and I’m not against it. I just wish they were investigating Royal Dutch Shell, Phillip Morris, Koch Industries, or Goldman Sachs with the same fervor. While Google has certainly done some evil, they aren’t even in my top 100 for evil actors that are exploiting us all to enrich themselves.

    • @[email protected]
      206 months ago

      I’d argue they’re in the top 2 or 3.

      What they’ve done is far more insidious than anyone else - much of the world willingly gives everything about their lives to Google, who uses that information (and provides it to whoever they choose) in all sorts of ways.

      We know they’ve given data to the police which has affected innocent people.

      There’s also a question about it’s origin possibly being from the NSA, etc.

      This poses as much a threat as anything, and yet most people are completely unaware (and even when they are aware they don’t seem to mind because “convenience”), whereas most people have some awareness of the modern-day version of Dutch East Indies company, they just don’t think they can do anything about it (unlike Google and the rest of FAANG)