Today’s game is Red Dead Redemption 2. Me and a friend managed to find time to play Red Dead Online today and while we were delivering a bounty I came across this river and noticed how gorgeous the water looks (I have a thing for water in video games if you saw my Mario Galaxy Post). I quickly hopped over to single player to take a screenshot with the photo mode and it was raining when I got there.

  • @absquatulate
    167 days ago

    I haven’t played skyrim in years and I swear this screenshot is exactly how I remember it looking like.

    Yeah, RDR2 is friggin gorgeous.

    • @lunar17
      77 days ago

      My first thought on seeing this was “I wonder what ENB preset that is?”

      • @JustAnotherKay
        47 days ago

        This screenshot made me long for NMM. Spending hours curating mods to create the perfect look and feel, then spending less than half the time playing the game lol