Today’s game is Red Dead Redemption 2. Me and a friend managed to find time to play Red Dead Online today and while we were delivering a bounty I came across this river and noticed how gorgeous the water looks (I have a thing for water in video games if you saw my Mario Galaxy Post). I quickly hopped over to single player to take a screenshot with the photo mode and it was raining when I got there.

  • @Usernamealreadyinuse
    45 months ago

    Op! Damn this looks nice. On which system did you play this? I tried to play it when it first came out on PS4 but my time is so limited in playing games and the story is so elaborate that I don’t dare to properly restart it…

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      25 months ago

      I’ve been playing on Steam Deck. I had a save on Xbox but when I made the jump to PC I bought RDR later that same year.

      • @Usernamealreadyinuse
        25 months ago

        You know what, I’ll give it a go again… Who knows maybe I get the hooked feeling. It took me a couple of years to get into rdr1 so maybe I am a bit late to the party