• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
    6 months ago

    I leave you unblocked because I agree and like a lot of the things you posted as UniversalMonk.

    Again, I haven’t changed my username. My username is still @UniversalMonk. Look at my profile. These posts are still under the @UniversalMonk username.

    Why do you think I have changed my username?!

    The only way someone could change usernames is by creating an entirely new account. This is the same username I have used since starting to post on Lemmy. It’s my one and only username.

    I seriously don’t understand why you are confused about that or implying that I am tricking someone. I haven’t changed my attitude or what I post.

    I’m still @UniversalMonk. It’s right here in my profile under my display name:

    • Sanctus
      6 months ago

      You appeared as UniversalMonk before, now you appear as Socialist Berserker… This is what I’m talking about. Insane shit like this. You know you entered a display name you didn’t have before and now your posts show your display name. I know the old ones also show SB now but its still a change you have to be aware of because you made it happen.

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        6 months ago

        I know the old ones also show SB now but its still a change you have to be aware of because you made it happen.

        I haven’t changed what I post at all. Feel free to check my post history: https://lemmy.world/u/UniversalMonk?page=1&sort=New&view=Posts

        And the majority of my posting (over 450 articles/comments) is to socialist sub: https://lemmy.world/c/socialist

        Actually you missed a few display name changes. My display name started out as the default username, then when I found out I could change it, I changed it to Socialist Workers Party, then I changed it to Socialst Workers Unite, then I changed it to my current one, Socialist Berserker.

        Super easy to do. It takes less than 5 seconds. It’s not tricking or fooling anyone. Lemmy has the feature built-in to it and we are allowed to change our display name.

        Guess what? Heads up, I’ll probably change it next time I get bored again. Because I can. It updates all past posts. It doesn’t “fool” anyone and isn’t mean to.

        You could change yours if you wanted to. And if you don’t, cool! But to imply that I am trying to fool anyone is silly.

        It’s a feature built into Lemmy that many asked for. That’s why it’s a feature.

        I’ve always posted third party news. And I will continue to do so. No matter how mad people are. It’s a political news sub, and I have posted political news stories.

        • Sanctus
          6 months ago

          Okay you’re doing a lot of assuming here. I never said username. I said moniker. I was referring to your display name. I also never mentioned or hinted at it being against the rules or in any way not allowed. Reactions like this will keep people “mad” at you as you backpeddle, wrongly extrapolate, and do it over six separately indented sentences.

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
            6 months ago

            Okay you’re doing a lot of assuming here.

            Fair point. You did say monikor, so I wrongly assumed you meant username. Someone else said “your old name (You’re not fooling anyone)” and I mixed it up with your comment also bringing up my name. I get accused of it fairly often. So I was just making one general response to all of them, but to your point, it was only in my reply to you. Which was incorrect on my part!

            as you backpeddle

            I haven’t backpedaled on my comments tho. My attitude has always been the same. People have been pissed with my articles since day one. I think in my very first post I was accused of being russian! lmao

            People are mad because I post third party articles and I won’t vote for harris. It’s not because of Jill Stein. It’s not because I defend myself in comments. I could stay silent (and have!) and the same things get said. Many are just soooo ingrained into the division of politics, that it’s their life. Just today I had to block someone comparing me to Nazis because I mentioned I wasn’t afraid of Trump. That’s not something people say just because they don’t like my article. That’s just hate and fear.

            and do it over six separately indented sentences.

            Bruh, come on now. You are talking about indented sentences!? Do you know how many people have wordvomit in one continues paragraph that makes it hard to read?!

            I mean, I can concede some of your other points. But I won’t stop with indented sentences. Ovbiously:)

            • Sanctus
              6 months ago

              You aren’t a Nazi, other people are overreacting. Hate and fear rule the roost right now so you are also correct about that. Lemmy is basically a brawling pit of mostly leftist, as we both know. Posting a lot, especially some of your more communist stuff is just going to get hit with downvotes. The infamous osma can surely let you know that.

              I probably do the word vomit thing but I’m on mobile when I use Lemmy and its not always fun to format. I’m not gonna really tell you not to do you. I noticed people just seem to get agitated at replies formatted like that, like each one is a prong or something.

              • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                6 months ago

                Posting a lot, especially some of your more communist stuff is just going to get hit with downvotes.

                Truth! But as a socialist, I’m kinda used to that sort of reaction to socialist/communist info. A lot of folks here in the U.S. don’t really understand true communism—they just focus on the negatives.

                I’m actually a supporter of the Socialist Workers Party, so heck, even other socialists get annoyed with our small group. Just strengthens my resolve! :)