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  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I would expect that stuff like who you are facing, basic body language and stuff, is choreographed. I don’t think it’ll provide a lot of insight into inner thoughts.

    I remember once reading a whole article on the issues with having a presidential candidate be photographed wearing a hat, which is a lot more esoteric than this sort of thing. Lot of time and money spent on optimizing it.

    • @[email protected]
      116 months ago

      Kamala might have worked on choreography, but Trump? No. Not only is he not going to let anyone tell him how to behave, he couldn’t repress his inner toddler if he tried. It only took a couple of subtle “I’m not touching you” - type nudges from her and he had a tantrump.

    • Flying Squid
      56 months ago

      Do you really think, after seeing that, that Trump did any sort of choreography?