That does include parking enforcement. Which is done through that half of Townhall. Oh yeah, that’s the other part. They get literally half the real estate of town hall which is delightfully unsubtle.

But yeah, remember specifically that freaking the cops taking on all of these duties, or having these duties thrust upon them outside of their control whatever version of this that you buy into,. Having a whole bunch of unrelated social functions being addressed under the regions of the police forces is the criticism, it’s not some separate part. Why, does parking enforcement or local security or non union road crews get organized and paid from the police department instead of the local government?

  • Clay_pidgin
    96 months ago

    This was interesting to look up. My town’s budget documents are laid out really well with lots of detail and commentary about WHY they spend money on things.

    They lump all emergency services under one category which is 11% of the budget. Fire&Rescue is 1/75th of that and police and admin are the rest. Worth noting we have a volunteer fire department which I guess accounts for their extremely low budget.